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All plan include fast and reliable hosting, unlimited users, as well as analytics system.
Gigantic business solution


  • Unlimited calls
  • Free hosting
  • Unlimited hours of support
  • Social media integration
  • Analytic integration
  • Unlimited storage space
  • Free backup

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Medium business solution


  • Unlimited calls
  • Free hosting
  • 10 hours of support
  • Social media integration
  • Advanced analytic
  • 1GB of storage space
  • Free backup

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Small business solution


  • Unlimited calls
  • Free hosting
  • 2 hours of support
  • Social media integration
  • Basic analytic
  • 40MB of storage space
  • Free backup

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Happy Customers
Here are just some of the fantastic reviews
— 不見得要就業或升學才能學習西班牙語!老師所教的西班牙語非常實用且生活化,對於計劃前往西班牙、中南美洲旅遊或想要了解不同文化的人來說很有幫助!
— Estela me ha dado clases por un año! Muchísimas gracias por su ayuda! Creo que poder aprobar el examen de DELE B1 es no solo por la habilidad, hay un poco de suerte.🤣 Después del examen, todavía continuaré aprendiendo español 😆😆
Jessica Lu
— 上課非常愉快,超級喜歡老師的教學方式和上課氣氛!推薦給想學西班牙文的同學~
Bella Yu
— 準備五月份的dele a2考試,為了增強口試部分,Estela 很有耐心的了解目前我的學校狀況及進度,並且給予分析及解說,會持續上課,希望能在Estela 的帶領下,能順利通過考試。
Eva Chen
— 超棒超用心的老師,內容很充實,教材也很仔細,不會有壓力又學得到東西,課程中會分享很多西班牙的事情,完全沒有冷場,真的是超級棒的老師!!
— Estela🇪🇸真的是很棒的西文老師,在課堂的練習中讓我不斷複習我曾經學習過的一些基礎,也增加更多的詞彙及用法,重點還有矯正發音。 同時還運用道地的影片學習及模仿使用正確的句型及單字,非常期待接下來學習的課程,也非常推薦給對於學習西文有熱忱的學生能夠找Estela🇪🇸老師學習哦!👍👍👍👍
Estela老師準備很多很實用的教學資源,也很耐心回答與解說我的問題,還教我如何練彈舌~是個超級用心的老師! 真的有燃起我消失10多年的西班牙魂~ 💃🏻¡Muchísimas gracias!
Tina Luo
— 老師很開朗,課前有嚴謹的詢問學習狀況、目標、動機⋯等內容,且除了學習西文還能夠了解文化,會自備教材並進行客製化的設計,因為住在馬德里所以更懂得當地人使用的流行語,對我的幫助很大
Have any questions?
Here is a list of resources that we thought you may find useful
  • What is a Company Service?

    Company service allows you to explore companies you’re interested in, get the latest company updates and industry news, and learn about new job opportunities.

  • What features are available?

    Feature pages let you extend your page presence to additional aspects of your business, and offer many of the same features as company pages.

  • How do I edit my Page?

    You must be an administrator to edit your page. To update your page, click edit in the upper right and follow the instructions on each tab.

Plan Features
Save your next direct jobs
  • Premium, modern and sophisticated.
  • Designed in amazing style.
  • No need to code
  • Cloud Hosting
  • Fully Responsive
  • Designed for you
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    * We do not sell or share your information with anyone else.

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